5 months later..
Wow, what a year. 2019 feels like it’s hooked to a lightening bolt! Does anyone else feel the speed of time? We only blinked and it’s already Ramadan with Eid just around the corner! My, my, my.
We remember when we first started this blog. It was Ramadan of last year. Can you believe it’s been a year? Pretty soon we’ll be turning 1. :D
We’ve created new signature classes, taught over 500+ classes, and opened up the Massage room and Nail Spa!
To each it’s full circle. The circle of life. And it moves us all. So excited for the Lion King Movie! Speaking of..We saw Alaadin at the moveis and it was nostalgic. We witnessed the last episode of Game of thrones and it was horrible. We’re currently waiting on Dark Phoenix. We hear The Queen in The North is going to be epic on this one.
Anyways, Happy New Year’s, Happy Valentine’s, Happy Mother’s Day, Happy International Happiness Day, Happy Easter, Happy April’s Fools, Happy Ramadan, and Happy Eid! Did we forget anything? Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Phoenixs’ Blog!