Exercising During Ramadan

Worried about exercising during Ramadan?

Ask yourself one question: WHY?

Aren't we still eating healthy? Aren't we still just as active? Aren't we still sleeping enough? If you've answered yes to all of the above, then why are you worried about exercising?

Here are all the Ramadan Tips you need to help maintain a healthy exercise routine, to stay energetic, and to rejuvenate:

  • Eat a balanced diet.

  • Drink up!

  • Spark up your carb intake during suhur!

  • Fuel up with a protein rich diet after breaking the fast!

  • Keep a moderate fitness routine pre-iftar.

  • Spike up your fitness routine two hours post-iftar.

  • Rise up and Pray.


Pain or something like it


Change you like a remix, Raise you like a phoenix