The Woman Behind Phoenix

Ever since childhood, I had an interest in sports. I was nervous to try out for the sports teams at my high school. Eventually, I made both the soccer and basketball teams. If I wasn’t playing sports I was rollerblading, biking or climbing trees. Kickball was fun. Handball was fun. Tennis was a calming. I found myself in movement. I was never really good at any other school subject but I excelled in Physical Education. Never in a million years would I have dreamt of founding a Physical Fitness Center.

Once I decided to take fitness seriously, it was just about it being a career anymore. It was about seeing other people’s faces light up once they reached their goals. Since then I invested my time in helping other women feel better about themselves through fitness. During the coming years, I hopped between many gyms trying to find the right place that would nurture my career goals. There were many work environments that I learned from. To be exact, I learned what I wanted to be and what I did NOT want to be. I am grateful for all the lessons. Little did I know that it would aid in building my own environment. In July 2018, I announced the soft opening of Phoenix. I haven’t looked back since.

I promised to create an environment that would help ladies excel, make them feel comfortable, and teach them that fitness is not a chore. It’s a lifestyle. A passion we take seriously.

This story of mine is meant to teach you a lesson about failure. How it’s apart of success. How you need it to fuel you for whatever you're meant to do. How you need it to aid in the building of your character. How a Saudi Fitness Instructor, managed to create her own brand, build it from the ground up without the support of anyone, and make sure that there is a place for Saudi female fitness instructors in the fitness market. In her own country.

Then and there, I took an oath. I would create leaders, not followers. Phoenix would be 100% Saudi owned and operated. I stay true to this oath. I stay loyal. I stay grateful. This movement I have created is a powerful one. If I can do it, why can’t you. Set your intention, pave the path and stay true to who you are. Remember, you are a Phoenix and a Phoenix does not give up.


There’s only one thing left to say: Support local @ksaphoenix



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