Fitness Tips and Tricks

Fitness is fun when done right. The endorphins released are enough to set you in a good mood post-workout. I’ve summed up a few tips and tricks for you to perform better.


Performance generally depends on three things -

  • No. 1 your fitness level:

    To increase your fitness level all you need to do is increase your cardio workouts. Cardio is short for cardiovascular which is a fancy word for heart work. Your heart is a muscle and the more you strengthen that muscle the fitter it will be to aid in the strength of all the other muscles. What’s recommended? 30 minute cardio workouts a day, everyday. Now your goals may vary and that’s a different topic but ultimately you want your heart to be in the best shape.

  • No.2 your nutrition intake:

    Nutrition is tricky. You gotta find what gives you the healthiest boost pre-workout (for example peanut butter with apple) and what helps you recover post-workout (for example a banana). Yes, it’s that simple. I’m not one to support processed protein bars or shakes. In fact, I would much rather digest natural and organic foods. It just makes more sense!

  • No.3 how well you sleep:

    This is an important one. Sleep gives us the valuable time to recharge and repair/build up the muscles worked during your workouts. Good quality sleep aids in the production of your growth hormone.

Happy Saturday!





The Woman Behind Phoenix